Eucalyptus (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Eucalyptus (Ltd Run) 1/8 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Evil Queen 1/4 kilo CiM (46)

Evil Queen1/8 kilo CiM (77)


Experimental (Ltd Run) 1/4 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Garnet (Ltd Run) 1/4 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extreamely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to by as much as you can if you like it.

Green Lantern (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo CiM

1/4 Kilo of Green Lantern (Ltd Run) CiM Glass Rods, 10-14 rods

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Green Lantern (Ltd Run) 1/8 Kilo CiM

1/8 Kilo of Green lantern (Ltd Run) CiM Glass Rods, 5-7 rods

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Gypsy (Ltd Run)1/4 kilo

1/4 Kilo of Gypsy (Ltd Run) CiM Glass Rods, 10-14 rods

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Gypsy (Ltd Run)1/8 kilo

1/8 Kilo of Gypsy (Ltd Run) CiM Glass Rods, 5-7 rods

Ltd Run colours are man ufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Koala (Ltd Run) 1/4 KIlo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Koala (Ltd Run) 1/8 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Leaf Men (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Loch Ness (Ltd Run) 1/4 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Mermaid 1/4 kilo CiM (76)


Mint Chip (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo CiM

1/4 Kilo of Mint Chip (Ltd Run) CiM Glass Rods, 10-14 rods

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Mockingbird (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in exteamily small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always buy as mush as you can if you like it.

Mojito 1/4 kio CiM (20)


Musk (Ltd Run) 1/4 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Musk (Ltd Run) 1/8 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Ogre (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Ogre (Ltd Run) 1/8 Kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.

Pachyderm (Ltd Run) 1/4 Kilo CiM

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it

Pachyderm (Ltd Run) 1/8 Kilo CiM

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it

Peridot (Ltd Run) 1/4 kilo

Ltd Run colours are manufactured in extremely small quantities and might not be repeated again so the advice is always to buy as much as you can if you like it.