
Frit Blends

Sunrise Frit Blend

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I would describe Sunrise as a warm, tropical blend. With it's juicy reds and oranges complementing the fuschia and mauve. As you can see this blend strikes slightly to more vibrant shades once introduced to the flame. The paddles shown are Effette white and super clear. The beads were made on super clear and by adding small twists, etched for a seaglass effect they make me think of frozen peach melba! This frit also looks great left slightly raised as shown on the heart for a textured effect. 


A gorgeous fuss free blend.

Blue Lagoon Frit Blend

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Reminiscent of our coastal waters, Blue Lagoon is a frit blend in muted blue, green & grey tones. I work on a Bethlehem Alpha and found this a fuss free blend to work with. Left to right, first two are on CiM Peace the frit has clean edges, bead 3 is on Effetre clear 006 and bead 4 was made dipping a rod of CiM Frost into the blend and winding around the mandrel (frit painting), the colours seem to suit the blue very well. A lovely blend especially for nature lovers!