These rods are normally never sold other than by Double Helix themselves but we have mangaed to get our hands on this stunningly "Unique" colour.
The prototype was given out at our Flame Off 2015 and there has been many requests since then to be able to buy this colour.Hyperion was pre-released at the ISGB Gathering and sold out within 2 hours
Iris Glass Rods
Reduced by 50%
Ossa is the first of Double Helix glass "new Speckled Lusters"
113grm (1/4lb) of glass rods
454grm (1lb) of glass rods
3 rods of 8mm glass x 300mm (12") long
A pack of 113grm glass rods containing approx 7 rods
A single rod .
Don't forget your basics, clear, black & white rods and bead release and mandrels.