Northstar Boro Midnight Fine Frit

Northstar Boro Frit, Midnight

Northstar Boro Maple Syrup Odd Full Rod

Maple Syrup First

NS-141 Maple Syrup is a colour Northsatr has reached back into the history books for.Originally discontinued from our palette as NS-42 Cinamon, we have brough back this transparent brown with a reformulation to decrease air content and homogenize the colour.


Northstar Boro Maple Syrup Full Rod

Maple Syrup First

NS-141 Maple Syrup is a colour Northsatr has reached back into the history books for.Originally discontinued from our palette as NS-42 Cinamon, we have brought back this transparent brown with a reformulation to decrease air content and homogenize the colour.


Northstar Boro Lucy Full Rod

Lucy, the newest colour to make it into production at Northstar glass is ready to roll! This colour works best in oxidizing and neutral flames.

Lucy is clear with very few air inclusions, and when worked it remains quite clear in normal lighting. Under uv lighting Lucy is a very intense hot pink!  A very stable colour to add to the uv pallet.  Lucy works great on the surface and can also be worked under clear.  Fantastic for blown and sculpted applications.  My favourite use of Lucy, is layering it over all other colours to create unique blends! 


Northstar Boro Lucy Fine Frit, 50grm

A 50grm bag of Northstar Lucy Fine frit.

Northstar Boro Lokis Lipstick Full Rod

Lokis Lipstick First,

NS-132 Lokis Lipstick is a silver striking colour. It is a close companion to NS-13 Amber Purple but with a little more control of the colour strike. Work NS-132 Lokis Lipstick in an oxidizing flame to achieve the most vivid colour range. It can be struck in the torch or in the kiln. You can achieve colours that look like gold and silver fume as well as deep purples. If reduced enough, it will yield creamy yellows and whites. NS-132 Lokis Lipstick works well in all applications. It is quickly becoming a must in the artist’s palette.

Northstar Boro Loch Ness Full Rod

Loch Ness First,

NS-098 Loch Ness is a dark opaque, sparkly dark green that can be used in virtually any application. Best if worked in a neutral to oxidizing flame to achieve optimum results. Extended annealing tends to bring out a golden hue in this colour.


Northstar Boro Light Oregon Grey Full Rod

NS-096 Light Oregon Gray further compliments Oregon Gray to fill a void in the borosilicate palette. It is an atmospherically stable opal. Work slowly in a soft, unfocused flame to prevent surface scarring. Once melted in smooth, heat can be soaked in more rapidly

Northstar Boro Light Cobalt Full Rod

NS-019 Light Cobalt is the least saturated of the four shades of cobalt blue Northstar produces. Because it is the least intense it can be worked in any flame without altering the colour. It is not for thin blown work, but it is the ideal overlay colour. By encasing opaque colours or saturated striking colours with NS-019 Light Cobalt Blue numerous new effects can be created.

Northstar Boro Light Blue Amber Purple

Light Blue Amber Purple

NS-048 Light Blue Amber/Purple is the least saturated of the five Amber/Purple colours Northstar produces. It yields a light purplish blue strike. Work in a hot neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. Reduction will affect the strike. Light Blue Amber Purple is not well suited for thin blown work but best suited for sculptural applications. NS-048 Light blue Amber/Purple looks great over NS-054 Star White and NS-081 Blue Caramel

Northstar Boro Lava Full Rod

Lava First,

NS-064 Lava is a bright intense opaque orange. It is very bright and well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is not terribly sensitive to flame chemistry but stay out of overly reducing flames. Lava however is heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the colour, but not necessary. Lava can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. A nice colour effect to try is a layer of NS-007 Ruby over NS-064 Lava.

Northstar Boro Jet Black Small Frit

Northstar Boro Frit, Jet Black

Northstar Boro Jet Black Fine Frit

Northstar Boro Frit, Jet Black

Northstar Jet Black Full Rod

1 x Full length of Northstar Jet Black, 6.5mm dia x 460-475mm long

Northstar Boro Jade Small Frit

Northstar Boro Frit, Jade


Northstar Boro Jade Fine Frit

Northstar Boro Frit, Jade


Northstar Boro Irrid Full Rod

NS-014 Irrid is the least saturated of the transparent striking colours. When oxidized it produces a silvery transparent metallic blue. When reduced, NS-014 Irrid turns a light sea green colour. Irrid can be worked hot and is another forgiving striking colour. Try layering it over an opaque to yield new effects.

Northstar Boro Ice Blue Full Rod

1 x Full rod of Northstar Ice Blue , 6.5mm dia x 460-470mm long

Northstar Indigo Aventurine Full Rod

NS-075 Indigo Aventurine is a fully opaque deep night blue aventurine colour. It is well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is easily worked and can take a lot of heat. To keep the colour most vibrant, work in a neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. It looks great over NS-054 Star White and be sure to try encasing it with NS-070 Ice Blue!

Northstar Boro Ice Blue Odd Full Rod

NS-070 Ice Blue is a lush copper blue that has an unrivalled eye catching appeal. It is a light transparent colour but it adds great optical depth even in thin layers. It is not suitable for stringers or cane work, but it is great for sculpture and blown work. Its effect as an overlay colour is impressive. When added over NS-045 Blue Moon, it produces a very appealing blue! To keep Ice Blue from dulling or discolouring, work in an oxidizing flame. If worked in a neutral to reducing flame the colour will darken and develop reddish brown striations in the body of the glass

Northstar Boro Green Exotic Full Rod

Green Exotic First,

NS-027 Green Exotic: The Exotic family contains the most saturated striking colours in the Northstar family. NS-027 Green Exotic can yield a mirror like green metallic finish and if over-reduced a very organic earthy tone as well. To keep the Exotics most vibrant, work them in a super oxidizing environment until you are finished with the piece. Then, turn the flame down and bathe the piece in a super reducing flame for several second to produce the mirror like sheen. Another great effect that is possible with the Exotics is encasement with clear. This group of colours can be stretched out and is great for blown work. If heavily encased, be sure to anneal thoroughly. Exotics are also enhanced by a backing with NS-054 Star White. Be sure to try layering NS-007L over NS-027 Green Exotic.

Northstar Boro Green Amber/Purple Full Rod

Green Amber/Purple First,

NS-069 Green Amber/Purple is the most intense and exciting of the Northstar Amber/Purple family. It reacts quickly and produces the lushest purplish blue strike. NS-069 Green Amber/Purple is the most intense and exciting of the Northstar Amber/Purple family. It reacts quickly and produces the lushest purplish blue strike. It can range in colour from a pale silvery blue to an opaque to a sea green all the way to cloudy grey. It is well  suited for flame striking and produces wonderful results. Because it is so intense be sure to keep a hot oxidizing flame set. Reduction will affect the strike. Try it over NS-054 Star White. Another excellent combination is NS-005 Orange hobnails over the surface of NS-069 Green Amber/Purple. There is a lot you can do with this colour have fun exploring.

Northstar Boro Goldenrod Full Rod

Goldenrod First,

NS-084 Goldenrod is a bright, saturated intense opaque dark yellow. It is well suited for stringer application and thin blown work. It is not terribly sensitive to flame chemistry but stay out of overly reducing flames. Goldenrod however is heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the colour, but not necessary. Canary can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. For a nice colour effect layer NS-013 Amber/Purple over NS-084 Goldenrod.


Northstar Boro Garnet Dark Small Frit

Northstar Boro Frit Garnet Dark

Northstar Boro Garnet Dark Fine Frit

Northstar Boro Frit Garnet