
Video Tutorials

On this page we have video tutorials to purchase .We would kindly ask that you do not share this video with friends as this reduces the income for the artists and hence stops further videos tutorials being produced.
In this tutorial Jennie is teaching how to strike Double Helix, how she expertly applies and encases her own handmade murrini to create the 'sunken' effect and how using putting these together can create a floral off mandrel pendant.

In this video tutorial by Jennie Braid Lamb you are guided through easy to understand steps explaining the properties and how to achieve the best results from Double Helix striking and reduction rods and frit.

Jennie will show you the flame setting , control and areas to work in the flame to get the stunning colours to make your creations come to life with this incredible silver glass. Showing you the reduction technique for colours such as Triton, Kalypso and Aion2 frit.

Jennie then shows striking skills to get the best from Terra3  and Skiron.

We recommend watching the video to the end as there is a gift from Tuffnell Glass to you that you might find very useful. 

The viewing time is over 50 minutes.

In this 20 mins video Jennie shows us how to perfect murrini application and encasing and also how to create the perfect twistie, which can then be used and adapted in various designs.