We stock a very large range of Effetre glass rods. We believe that this Italian glass offers the best colour range and is the best to work with. Our opaque glass rods are 5-6mm dia and opaque rods are 4-5mm dia.

There will be between 45-50 rods in an opaque kilo,20-25 in half a kilo and
10-15 in a 1/4 kilo. The rods are 30cm long,

Effetre glass is commonly known as Morretti in the U.S. Available in 1/4 kilo, 1/2 kilo
or kilo packs



Pick "N" Mix Opaque Kilo

A new idea from one of our customers who asked for the chance to have a Pick "N" Mix glass.

591204 Opaque White 8-9mm dia 1/4 Kilo

1/4 kilo of opaque white glass rods 8-9mm dia

591204 White 8-9mm dia 1/2 Kilo

1/2 kilo of opaque white glass rods 8-9mm dia

591208 Opaque Soft White 1/2 kilo

(Anice white is shocky and is prone to spitting when in the flame , this is part of the glasses character and is caused by production techniques to create a softer white, it needs a lot of pre warming before working in the flame)

591208 Opaque Soft White 1/4 kilo

(Anice white is shocky and is prone to spitting when in the flame , this is part of the glasses character and is caused by production techniques to create a softer white, it needs a lot of pre warming before working in the flame)

591212 Opaque Lime Green 1/2 kilo

591212 Opaque Lime Green 1/4 kilo

591214 Opaque Pea Green 1/2 kilo

591214 Opaque Pea Green 1/4 kilo

591216 Opaque Grass Green 1/2 kilo

591216 Opaque Grass Green 1/4 kilo

591218 Opaque Petrol Green 1/2 kilo

 These rods are 5-6mm dia .

591218 Opaque Petrol Green 1/4 kilo

 These rods are 5-6mm dia.

591220 Opaque Periwinkle Blue 1/2 kilo

591220 Opaque Periwinkle Blue 1/4 kilo

591224 Opaque Pale Blue 1/2 kilo

591224 OpaquePale Blue 1/4 kilo

591228 Opaque Dark Sky Blue 1/2 kilo

591228 Opaque Dark Sky Blue1/4 kilo

591232 Opaque Turquoise Blue 1/2 kilo


591232 Opaque Turquoise Blue 1/4 kilo


591236 Opaque Dark Turq 1/2 kilo

591236 Opaque Dark Turq 1/4 kilo

591240 Opaque Mid Blue 1/2 kilo

591240 Opaque Mid Blue 1/4 kilo