125grm Northstar Indigo Aventurine

NS-075 Indigo Aventurine is a fully opaque deep night blue aventurine colour. It is well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is easily worked and can take a lot of heat. To keep the colour most vibrant, work in a neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. It looks great over NS-054 Star White and be sure to try encasing it with NS-070 Ice Blue!

125grm of Northstar Ice Blue Odd

NS-070 Ice Blue is a lush copper blue that has an unrivalled eye catching appeal. It is a light transparent colour but it adds great optical depth even in thin layers. It is not suitable for stringers or cane work, but it is great for sculpture and blown work. Its effect as an overlay colour is impressive. When added over NS-045 Blue Moon, it produces a very appealing blue! To keep Ice Blue from dulling or discolouring, work in an oxidizing flame. If worked in a neutral to reducing flame the colour will darken and develop reddish brown striations in the body of the glass

125grm of Northstar Green Exotic

Green Exotic First,

NS-027 Green Exotic: The Exotic family contains the most saturated striking colours in the Northstar family. NS-027 Green Exotic can yield a mirror like green metallic finish and if over-reduced a very organic earthy tone as well. To keep the Exotics most vibrant, work them in a super oxidizing environment until you are finished with the piece. Then, turn the flame down and bathe the piece in a super reducing flame for several second to produce the mirror like sheen. Another great effect that is possible with the Exotics is encasement with clear. This group of colours can be stretched out and is great for blown work. If heavily encased, be sure to anneal thoroughly. Exotics are also enhanced by a backing with NS-054 Star White. Be sure to try layering NS-007L over NS-027 Green Exotic.

125grm of Northstar Green Amber/Purple

Green Amber/Purple First,

NS-069 Green Amber/Purple is the most intense and exciting of the Northstar Amber/Purple family. It reacts quickly and produces the lushest purplish blue strike. NS-069 Green Amber/Purple is the most intense and exciting of the Northstar Amber/Purple family. It reacts quickly and produces the lushest purplish blue strike. It can range in colour from a pale silvery blue to an opaque to a sea green all the way to cloudy grey. It is well  suited for flame striking and produces wonderful results. Because it is so intense be sure to keep a hot oxidizing flame set. Reduction will affect the strike. Try it over NS-054 Star White. Another excellent combination is NS-005 Orange hobnails over the surface of NS-069 Green Amber/Purple. There is a lot you can do with this colour have fun exploring.

125grms of Northstar Goldenrod

Goldenrod First,

NS-084 Goldenrod is a bright, saturated intense opaque dark yellow. It is well suited for stringer application and thin blown work. It is not terribly sensitive to flame chemistry but stay out of overly reducing flames. Goldenrod however is heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the colour, but not necessary. Canary can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. For a nice colour effect layer NS-013 Amber/Purple over NS-084 Goldenrod.

125grm of Northstar Garnet

NS-086 Garnet is a member the self striking ruby family. Garnet is the medium intensity shade of the three shades of self striking rubies Northstar currently offers. It is best suited for medium thickness blown work and highlights. The self striking rubies are the next generation of colors offering the user cleaner purer colors with less air and difficulty in working. When using NS-086 Garnet, do so in a neutral to oxidizing flame. Once hot Garnet will turn transparent just as the standard Northstar rubies, but as it cools it turns a uniform ruby red. The strike is easily repeatable and the final color is not affected by kilning. Even after numerous reheats no liviering will occur. Note the final shade of red is slightly darker than the initial color of the rod. Once heated and allowed to strike, the final color can be viewed. After prolonged use in sculptural and inside out applications NS-086 Garnet can develop a deep brown hue. This can usually be reversed by heating the color until molten. For a great color effect try layering NS-086 Garnet over NS-085 Poppy.


125grm of Northstar Galaxy

NS-152 Galaxy is the first collaborative effort between Northstar Glass & Trautman Art Glass to produce a new colour in rod. This colour was formulated from the iconic NS-125 Jet Black base along with the amazing sparkle from the TAG Stardust family. Very durable & easy to use with a beautiful balance of dense black and heavy sparkle. Safe for encasement, though not recommended for millefiori or deep encasement. Use an oxidizing flame to prevent any grey streaks caused from reductive environment.

125grm of Northstar Extra Light Yellow

A lighter version of NS-009 yellow. It produces a warm hazy glow when reduced or kilned.

125grm of Northstar English Ivy

NS-131 English Ivy is a light transparent aquamarine colour, that when used in the flame, can yield many color hues. This colour is in the same family as NS-13 Amber Purple and NS-03 Multi so the colour possibilities are endless. NS-131 English Ivy produces metallic blues and sea greens.

125grm of Northstar Double Amber Purple

Double Amber Purple First,

NS-026 Double Amber/Purple is the more intense version of NS-013 Amber/Purple. It produces the most exciting metallic purples and vermilions. It behaves similarly in the flame as regular Amber/Purple but because of its greater intensity more care has to be taken to prevent reduction. Double Amber/Purple can be stretched further and can be blown relatively thin without losing the vibrant purple strike. Be sure to try layering Double Amber/Purple over NS-081 Blue Caramel.

125grm of Northstar Dark Cobalt

Northstar Boro Coloured Rod, Dark Cobalt First 

125grm of Northstar Dark Blue Amber Purple


125grm Northstar Dark Amethyst

NS-106 Dark Amethyst is a light transparent violet colour. This is a “what you see is what you get” colour. Use in a slightly neutral to oxidizing flame for best results. NS-106 Dark Amethyst works like butter so do not hesitate to spread it over other colours. The colour looks best in solid colour blowouts and sculpture work. Stringers tend to lose colour and may appear as a clear Violet

125grm of Northstar Crystal Bliss

Crystal Bliss First,

NS-123 Crystal Bliss is a light cobalt blue with lots of sparkle. The colour is not heat sensitive and works great. NS-123 Crystal Bliss is very light in colour and when pulled thin, the colour will fade to clear. We created NS-123 Crystal Bliss the artists that like to coat their colours with sparkle. Use an oxidizing flame to cut down on red lines of copper.

125grm of Northstar Cherry

Cherry First,

NS-065 Cherry is the most eye-catching member of the intense opaque family. It is a bright candy apple red that is well suited for stringer application and blown work. Cherry is slightly sensitive to reduction, so work in a soft neutral flame. Cherry is however heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the colour, but not necessary. Cherry can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. A nice colour effect to try is a layer of NS-037 Rootbeer over NS-065 Cherry.

125grm of Northstar Caramel

Caramel First,

NS-044 Caramel is a more intense version of NS-041 Butterscotch. It is a rich silvery tan colour that can be stretched out thin. It is great for stringer application and blown work. Work in a hot neutral to oxidizing flame for bright tan colours. To bring out the silvery mirror like sheen bathe the piece in a reducing flame. Be sure to try NS-007 Ruby or NS-013 Amber/Purple over NS-044 Caramel.

125grm of Northstar Canary

Canary First.   

NS-063 Canary is a bright intense opaque lemon yellow. It is eye catching and is well suited for stringer application, and blown work. It is not terribly sensitive to flame chemistry but stay out of overly reducing flames. Canary however is heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the color, but not necessary. Canary can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. For a nice color effect layer NS-009 Yellow over NS-063 Canary.


125grm Northstar Cherry Red Odd

Cherry Red Odd

NS-065 Cherry is the most eye-catching member of the intense opaque family. It is a bright candy apple red that is well suited for stringer application and blown work. Cherry is slightly sensitive to reduction, so work in a soft neutral flame. Cherry is however heat sensitive so it must be worked carefully to prevent boiling. Encasing with clear is another method to shielding the colour, but not necessary. Cherry can be easily worked on the surface and will not boil or scar if worked carefully in a soft flame. A nice colour effect to try is a layer of NS-037 Rootbeer over NS-065 Cherry.


125grm Northstar Butterscotch

NS-041 Butterscotch is a semi opaque buttery tan colour. These rods can yield rich purplish blue tones and silver hues. When kept in a more oxidizing environment more of the blues and purples will appear. If reduced, a silvery haze will appear on the surface. Butterscotch is easy to work and can take a lot of heat making it a forgiving striking colour.

125grm of Northstar Blue Thunder

NS-122 Blue Thunder is a dark cobalt blue colour with silver. When worked in an oxidizing flame NS-122 Blue Thunder yields bright metallic blues. When worked in a neutral flame it yields bright hazy greens. When worked in a heavily reducing flame NS-122 Blue Thunder produces a nice ash grey. It is well suited for stringer application, blown work, and sculpture. NS-122 Blue Thunder is a lighter version of NS-45 Blue Moon with the same working values.

125grm of Northstar Blue Green

Blue Green First,

NS-038 Intense Blue Green is the more saturated version of NS-015 Turquesa. It is a vibrant striking semi opaque blue. When oxidized, Intense Blue Green yields a rich smoky blue strike. When worked in a neutral environment NS-038 produces bright metallic greens. When reduced, this colour produces hazy grey tones. It looks great when cased with clear, and try layering NS-005 over the surface. To make the strike even more vibrant, back NS-038 with NS-054 Star White.


125grm of Northstar Berry Gumbolt 2nd

NS-103 Berry Gumbolt is a fully opaque saturated dark blue. It is well suited for stringer application and blown work. It is not susceptible to reduction and is not flame sensitive. For best results keep it in a neutral flame. It is a great backing for such colours as NS-14 Irrid and NS-15 Turquesa, and goes well with NS-63 Canary.

125grm Northstar Amber Purple

Amber Purple First,

NS-026 Double Amber/Purple is the more intense version of NS-013 Amber/Purple. It produces the most exciting metallic purples and vermilions. It behaves similarly in the flame as regular Amber/Purple but because of its greater intensity more care has to be taken to prevent reduction. Double Amber/Purple can be stretched further and can be blown relatively thin without losing the vibrant purple strike. Be sure to try layering Double Amber/Purple over NS-081 Blue Caramel.

125grm of Northstar Amber Purple Odd

Amber Purple Odd

The colour can produce pale yellows to ambers to a deep purple. To yield the most vibrant purples, work in a hot neutral to slightly oxidizing flame. Reduction will affect the strike. Try encasing your favourite Amber/Purple with NS-032 Violet, or NS-031 Lavender. To enhance NS-013 Amber/Purple try backing it with NS-054 Star White.


125grm of Northstar Absinthe

NS-143 Absinthe was developed to meet the demand by artists for new and exciting transparent colours. This glass will present similar working characteristics as NS-66 Sublime with a stronger emerald green colour.